
Requirement to provide information

2.—(1) In providing the tenant with clear information for the purposes of section 14A(2) (requirement to provide information) of the 2001 Act the landlord must include—

(a)a description of the rent and any other financial obligations of the tenant under the tenancy agreement; and

(b)information about the amount due to the landlord under the tenancy agreement, which must be broken down so as to show—

(i)the total amount of outstanding rent and of any other outstanding financial obligations of the tenancy; and

(ii)a description of any charges which the landlord anticipates will be incurred if the arrears of rent or any other financial obligation of the tenancy are not paid.

(2) In paragraph (1)(b)(ii), “charges” means any future charges detailed in the tenancy agreement resulting from arrears of rent and any other outstanding financial obligation of the tenancy, and any illustrative indication of legal expenses which may be incurred in relation to such obligations.

(3) The landlord must provide the information required by section 14A(2) of the 2001 Act and this article as soon as the landlord considers reasonably practicable after the tenant enters into arrears.