The Caledonian Maritime Assets (Kennacraig) Harbour Revision Order 2011

Power to construct works

3.—(1) CMAL may in the lines and situations and upon the lands delineated on the deposited plans, sections and elevations and within the limits of deviation and according to the levels shown on the deposited plans, sections and elevations, construct and maintain the following works—

  • Work No. 1 - The reclamation and infilling of an area of the bed of West Loch Tarbert and the levelling of that area together with the levelling of the adjoining land to form an area of 0.5 hectares and providing access to Works Nos. 2 and 3 and for parking of vehicles and for the site of Work No. 4: to be retained on the seaward limits in part by rock armoured revetments and, as to the remainder, by a solid faced quay wall; the location of which is shown on sheet 2 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 4.

  • Work No. 2 - A mechanically operated single deck linkspan, providing access to and from vessels, extending from the reclaimed area comprising Work No. 1, including supporting piled bankseat and lifting frame with supporting dolphin structures the location of which is shown on sheet 2 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 4.

  • Work No. 3 - An open piled jetty structure connecting to Work No. 1, the location of which is shown on sheet 2 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 4, forming a berthing and mooring line, including inner and outer berthing dolphins, accessed via steelwork access ramps from the jetty structure and incorporating a fixed and adjustable passenger access gangway extending from Work No. 4 and extending through Work No. 1.

  • Work No. 4 - A two storey terminal building to be constructed over reclaimed land forming part of Work No. 1 the location of which is shown on sheet 2 and the elevations of which are shown on sheet 6; comprising passenger and baggage handling, sales areas, management offices, staff welfare facilities and stores areas.

  • Work No. 5 - A strengthening of the existing causeway using fill and rock armour, including a widening and an increase in the level of that causeway the location of which is shown on sheet 3 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 5.

  • Work No. 6 - The reclamation and infilling of an area of the bed of West Loch Tarbert and the levelling of that area together with the levelling of the adjoining land to form an area of 0.74 hectares for the parking of vehicles; to be retained on the seaward limits by rock armoured revetments; the location of which is shown on sheet 3 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 5.

  • Work No. 7 - The reclamation and infilling of an area of the bed of West Loch Tarbert and the levelling of that area together with the levelling of the adjoining land to form an area of 0.35 hectares for the marshalling and parking of vehicles; to be retained on the seaward limits by a rock armoured revetment; the location of which is shown on sheet 3 and the sections of which are shown on sheet 5.

  • Work No. 8 - A single storey split level building the location of which is shown on sheet 3 and the elevations of which are shown on sheet 7; comprising ticketing and check-in facilities for passenger and freight vehicles.

(2) CMAL may, for the purposes of the works authorised by paragraph (1), remove any vegetation or other objects or materials and demolish and remove any structures or apparatus lying within the limits of deviation and enclose and reclaim so much of the bed of the sea and of the foreshore as lies within the limits of deviation.

(3) CMAL may, within the limits of deviation, reconstruct, extend, enlarge, replace or relay the works authorised by paragraph (1) and may maintain and operate those works as reconstructed, extended, enlarged, replaced or relaid.