
Closure of storage site and post-closure period

Post-closure plan

12.—(1) Before applying for a storage permit, the licence holder must draw up a proposed provisional post-closure plan that is—

(a)based on best practice; and

(b)in accordance with Annex II to the Directive.

(2) Before granting a storage permit, the authority must—

(a)approve that proposed plan, or

(b)require the operator to make such modifications to it as the authority (after consulting the operator) considers necessary,

and the provisional post-closure plan is the plan as so approved or modified.

(3) The authority may—

(a)approve a proposed post-closure plan submitted to it for approval in accordance with provisions in the licence included by virtue of regulation 5 and paragraph 3(1) of Schedule 1; or

(b)require the operator to make such modifications to it as the authority (after consulting the operator) considers necessary,

and the post-closure plan is the plan as so approved or modified.

(4) Where the authority is deemed to be the operator in accordance with regulation 11(4), the post-closure plan is the provisional post-closure plan with such modifications as the authority considers necessary.

Post-closure obligations

13.—(1) This regulation applies after the storage site has been closed and until the licence is terminated.

(2) The operator must continue to—

(a)monitor the site in accordance with the provisions in the storage permit included by virtue of regulation 8(d) and paragraph 2 of Schedule 2;

(b)comply with its reporting and notification obligations in accordance with the provisions in the storage permit included by virtue of regulation 8(d) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 2 (with the exception of the obligation in the provision included by virtue of sub-paragraph (5)(b)); and

(c)comply with its obligations to take corrective measures in accordance with the provisions in the storage permit included by virtue of regulation 8(d) and paragraph 6 of Schedule 2.

(3) For those purposes any reference to the monitoring plan or the corrective measures plan is to be read as a reference to the post-closure plan.

(4) The operator must seal the storage site and remove the injection facilities in accordance with its obligations under Part 4 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

(5) The closure of the storage site is without prejudice to the obligations of the operator—

(a)under legislation implementing Articles 5 to 8 of the Environmental Liability Directive; and

(b)relating to the surrender of allowances under the ETS Directive.