The Town and Country Planning (Marine Fish Farms Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 2011

Article 3(2)(a)


This schedule has no associated Executive Note


The marine waters referred to in article 3(2)(a) are—

1.  All marine waters within marine planning zone 3.

2.  The following marine waters situated in marine planning zone 5—

(a)Firth of Lorn;

(b)Loch Etive;

(c)Loch Fyne;

(d)Loch Linnhe;

(e)Loch Striven;

(f)Sound of Gigha;

(g)Sound of Kerrera;

(h)Sound of Mull; and

(i)Sound of Shuna.

3.  The following marine waters situated in marine planning zone 7—

(a)Broadford bay;

(b)Loch a Choire;

(c)Loch Ewe;

(d)Loch Greshornish;

(e)Loch Kishorn;

(f)Loch Leven;

(g)Loch Nevis;

(h)Loch Portree;

(i)Loch Torridon; and

(j)Sound of Raasay.

4.  The following marine waters situated in marine planning zone 8—

(a)Bag nam Faoilean;

(b)Loch Tarbert;

(c)Loch Boisdale;

(d)Loch Seaforth; and

(e)Loch Sheilavaig

5.  The following marine waters situated in marine planning zone 9—

(a)Weddell Sound.

6.  The following marine waters situated in marine planning zone 10—


(b)Clift Sound;

(c)Colla Firth;

(d)Dury Voe;

(e)Hascosay Sound;

(f)Linga Sound;

(g)Sandwick, Basta Voe;


(i)Setter Voe;

(j)South Sound, Yell;

(k)Vaila Sound;

(l)Weisdale Voe; and

(m)West Voe.