The National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2011

Benefits in respect of pensionable employment after pension becomes payable under regulation E2

This section has no associated Executive Note

S3.—(1) This regulation applies to any member in respect of whom a pension becomes payable under regulation E2 (early retirement pension (ill-health)) and who subsequently enters pensionable employment.

(2) For the purposes of paragraphs (3) and (5), the member’s “previous service” means the pensionable service in respect of which the member became entitled to receive a pension under regulation E2 and the member’s “later service” means any pensionable service which accrues after the member becoming so entitled.

(3) Subject to paragraph (5), the member’s benefits in respect of later service will be calculated without regard to the member’s previous service.

(4) Where the member becomes entitled, under regulation E2, to a pension in respect of later service, the increase as described in regulation E2(3) will be in accordance with the proportioned increase described in regulation L1(3)(b).

(5) For the purposes of regulations D1(26) and (27) (contributions by members) and regulation C2(4) (meaning of “pensionable service”) the member’s previous service and later service will be aggregated.