The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Scotland) Regulations 2010


This section has no associated Executive Note

3.  Paragraphs 1(2) and 2(5) do not apply to—

(a)raw petfood consisting of animal protein or anything incorporated into petfood for feeding to pets (including working dogs) on those premises; or

(b)anything incorporated into organic fertiliser or soil improver produced and used in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 and the Animal By‑Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003(1) and paragraph 19,

provided that—

(i)it is not fed to any farmed animals;

(ii)it is not stored or handled, or fed to pets (including working dogs), in parts of the premises—

(aa)to which farmed animals have access; or

(bb)where feedingstuffs for farmed animals are stored or handled;

(iii)it does not come into contact with—

(aa)feedingstuffs permitted to be fed to farmed animals; or

(bb)handling equipment used in connection with any such feedingstuffs; and

(iv)farmed animals do not have access to petfood at any time and do not have access to organic fertiliser or soil improver until it has been applied to the land and the no‑grazing period specified in regulation 11(1) of the Animal By‑Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003 has expired.


S.S.I. 2003/411, amended by S.S.I. 2006/3 and 530, 2007/1 and 2009/7.