The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Scotland) Regulations 2010

Revocation of approvals, authorisations, licences and registrationsS

This section has no associated Executive Note

9.—(1) The Scottish Ministers may revoke any approval, authorisation, licence or registration granted under these Regulations if they are satisfied that the premises will not be operated in accordance with the EU TSE Regulation or these Regulations and if—

(a)it is currently suspended and the period for appeal under regulation 10 has expired or they have upheld the suspension following such appeal;

(b)they have previously suspended it and there is further non�??compliance with the EU TSE Regulation or these Regulations; or

(c)they are satisfied that the occupier no longer uses the premises for the purpose for which it was granted.

(2) Notification of the revocation must—

(a)be in writing;

(b)state when the revocation comes into effect;

(c)give the reasons for the revocation; and

(d)explain that the person who has been notified has the right to make written representations to a person appointed by the Scottish Ministers.

(3) If the Scottish Ministers make a revocation under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) the appeals procedure in regulation 10 applies but the revocation remains in force during that appeals procedure.