The Angus Council Area and Dundee City Council Area (Fithiebank) Boundaries Amendment Order 2009

Article 2


The transfer area is the area situated at the administrative boundary between Angus Council and Dundee City Council from the point just to the west of the Fithiebank estate at grid reference NO450338, where the administrative boundary intersects the centre of the Fithie Burn, then following the centre of the burn in a northeasterly direction until it meets the edge of the estate at the rear curtilage of 37 Fithie Bank, and then following the northeast edge of the Fithiebank development in a southeasterly direction until it rejoins the administrative boundary in the centre of Kellas Road at grid reference NO452338, whereupon it follows the administrative boundary generally southwestwardly until returning to the point of commencement at the intersection of the administrative boundary and the centre of the Fithie Burn.