


Returning officers

2.—(1) The returning officer responsible for conducting a Health Board election is to be the returning officer, appointed under section 41 of the 1983 Act, for elections of councillors for the local government area in which the greatest number of the population in the Health Board area reside.

(2) A returning officer may authorise any person to perform any of the officer’s functions (but such an authorisation affects neither the returning officer’s responsibility for delegated functions nor the officer’s ability to perform those functions personally).

(3) An election may not be questioned on grounds of defect in the title, or want of title, of the returning officer if that officer was then acting in the office giving the right to conduct the election.

Payments to returning officers

3.—(1) The Health Board—

(a)must pay any expenses properly incurred by the returning officer in conducting an election; and

(b)may pay the returning officer an appropriate fee for conducting the election as the Board considers appropriate.

(2) A Health Board may make advance payments on account of expenses which the returning officer considers will be incurred.