

Placement of child with kinship carer

11.—(1) A local authority must not place a child with a kinship carer where–

(a)the placement is or would be contrary to the terms of any supervision requirement made or any order made or authorisation or warrant granted under Chapter 2, 3 or 4 of Part II of the 1995 Act or any permanence order made in respect of the child; or

(b)the placement would return the child to the care of a person where the child was, by virtue of any order, authorisation or warrant, removed from the care of that person.

(2) A local authority must not place a child with a kinship carer unless they are satisfied that–

(a)placement is in the best interests of the child;

(b)placement of the child with that kinship carer is in the best interests of the child;

(c)following the assessment referred to in regulation 10(3), that kinship carer is a suitable person to care for the child;

(d)they have taken into account all information available to them relevant to the performance of their duties under section 17(1) to (5) of the 1995 Act;

(e)the kinship carer has entered into a written agreement with the local authority under regulation 12; and

(f)the kinship carer has entered into a written agreement with the local authority as to the matters specified in Schedule 4.