
PART 4Disease control measures

CHAPTER 2Suspicion

Suspected premises

18.—(1) An inspector must by notice to the occupier designate premises as suspected premises on suspicion that–

(a)a pig on the premises has been exposed to swine vesicular disease virus;

(b)a pig on the premises has been infected, or carcase on the premises contaminated, with swine vesicular disease virus (whether or not after notification under this Order); or

(c)the premises have been exposed to, or are contaminated with, swine vesicular disease virus.

(2) Schedule 1 shall apply to suspected premises.

(3) A veterinary inspector must on suspected premises being designated–

(a)immediately take all steps, including testing needed to determine whether or not any ground for suspicion is established; and

(b)commence an epidemiological inquiry.

(4) Paragraph (1) does not apply during any period in which measures on suspicion of foot-and-mouth disease under Schedule 2 to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Scotland) Order 2006(1) apply to premises that would otherwise be designated as suspected premises.

Temporary control zone

19.—(1) The Scottish Ministers may on a designation as suspected premises declare a temporary control zone around the premises.

(2) The zone must be of such extent as the Scottish Ministers consider necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of the spread of swine vesicular disease.

(3) No person shall move a pig from premises in the zone, except in accordance with a licence granted by a veterinary inspector.

(4) The declaration may apply, in all or part of the zone, such other measure of a type listed in Schedule 1 as the Scottish Ministers consider necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of the spread of swine vesicular disease.

(5) The zone ceases to exist–

(a)on revocation of the designation as suspected premises, or (if more than one) the last such premises in the zone;

(b)in respect of any area subsequently incorporated into a protection or surveillance zone.

Suspicion not established

20.—(1) This article applies if a veterinary inspector is satisfied that a suspicion that led to a designation as suspected premises is not established.

(2) The veterinary inspector may by notice to the occupier of the premises require the occupier to–

(a)cleanse and disinfect any part of the premises, or any thing on the premises;

(b)carry out any other measure that the veterinary inspector considers necessary in order to reduce or prevent the risk of the spread of swine vesicular disease.

(3) The veterinary inspector must–

(a)by notice to the occupier revoke the designation as suspected premises–

(i)with immediate effect; or

(ii)forthwith after a condition in paragraph (2) is met; and

(b)discontinue the epidemiological inquiry in respect of those premises.

Seropositive pigs

21.—(1) This article applies if–

(a)testing at suspected premises shows that there are seropositive pigs on the premises; and

(b)the suspicion in respect of swine vesicular disease virus is not established.

(2) The Scottish Ministers must undertake further investigations, and in particular must–

(a)take further samples after a period of at least 28 days from the date of the last seropositive sample; and

(b)test those samples.

(3) The Scottish Ministers must if any test shows that swine vesicular disease exists, confirm that the premises are infected premises.

(4) The Scottish Ministers must, if the last test carried out under paragraph (2) shows no evidence of swine vesicular disease virus, ensure that all seropositive pigs are–

(a)killed and destroyed under the supervision of an inspector; or

(b)slaughtered, separately from other pigs, in a slaughterhouse approved for that purpose by the Scottish Ministers.

(5) A veterinary inspector must revoke the designation as suspected premises following destruction or slaughter of pigs under paragraph (4).


S.S.I. 2006/44, amended by S.S.I. 2007/429 and 455.