The Swine Vesicular Disease (Scotland) Order 2009

Suspicion not established

This section has no associated Executive Note

20.—(1) This article applies if a veterinary inspector is satisfied that a suspicion that led to a designation as suspected premises is not established.

(2) The veterinary inspector may by notice to the occupier of the premises require the occupier to–

(a)cleanse and disinfect any part of the premises, or any thing on the premises;

(b)carry out any other measure that the veterinary inspector considers necessary in order to reduce or prevent the risk of the spread of swine vesicular disease.

(3) The veterinary inspector must–

(a)by notice to the occupier revoke the designation as suspected premises–

(i)with immediate effect; or

(ii)forthwith after a condition in paragraph (2) is met; and

(b)discontinue the epidemiological inquiry in respect of those premises.