
Article 2(2)


Strathclyde Region

For paragraph 2(d)(iii) of Part II of Schedule 1 to the principal Order substitute:–

(iii)On the west from the point national grid reference NS654235 on the boundary between the Parishes of Muirkirk and Auchinleck, in a north easterly direction to the source of the March Burn at the point national grid reference NS656238; then in a north easterly direction following the said burn to the point national grid reference NS659246; then following hard boundary in a south easterly direction to intersection with the Proscribe Burn at the point national grid reference NS672240; then following hard boundary in a north-easterly direction to point of intersection of dismantled railway and unnamed burn at the point national grid reference NS684257; then following line of dismantled railway in a north-easterly direction to point of intersection with unnamed burn at the point national grid reference NS701268; then in a south easterly direction following the line of said burn to the point national grid reference NS704263; then in a south-easterly direction to the summit of The Steel at spot height 413 metres; then in a south easterly direction to the summit of Cairn Table at spot height 593 metres on Muirkirk Parish boundary; then in a southerly direction, following the line of said boundary, to the summit of Stony Hill at spot height 562 metres; then in a westerly direction following the line of the boundary between the Parishes of Muirkirk and Auchinleck to the point national grid reference NS654235..