The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008

Further applications

This section has no associated Executive Note

11.—(1) Where–

(a)planning permission has been granted for development, that development has not been commenced and a time limit imposed by or under section 58 (duration of planning permission) or section 59 (planning permission in principle) of the Act has not expired, an application is made for planning permission for the same development; or

(b)an application for planning permission is made under section 42 of the Act (applications to develop without compliance with previous conditions),

the application may be made without complying with the provisions of regulation 9 or regulation 10 other than regulation 9(2)(c) and (3)(c), (d)(i) and (f) or regulation 10(2)(c) and (3)(b), (d) and (e).

(2) An application mentioned in paragraph (1) is to be in writing and is to give sufficient information to enable the planning authority to identify the previous grant of planning permission and where it is made under section 42 of the Act is to contain a statement to that effect.