The Pre-release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2008

Conditions on pre-release access

This section has no associated Executive Note

5.—(1) The conditions in sub-paragraphs (2) to (8) apply to any individual given access to official statistics under paragraphs 2 and 3.

(2) The individual must (if they are not already so marked) mark the statistics–

(a)“Confidential Statistics” in the case of market-sensitive statistics; or

(b)“Restricted Statistics” in the case of other statistics.

(3) The individual must not disclose any of the statistics, or give any broad indication of their content or what they may show, to any individual who has not similarly been given access.

(4) The individual must only use the official statistics for the purpose for which access has been granted under paragraph 2(1).

(5) The individual must not use the official statistics for personal or political gain.

(6) Any accidental or wrongful disclosure of the statistics, or any broad indication of the contents of the statistics or what the statistics may show, by the individual, or by any other individual to whom such a disclosure is made of which the individual with access becomes aware, must be reported immediately by the individual to the person responsible.

(7) The individual must not seek to change format, content or timing of the publication of the official statistics, except in accordance with sub-paragraph (8).

(8) If the individual identifies errors or wishes to comment on the format, timing or content the individual may communicate that to the person responsible.