
Power to require production of energy performance certificate

16.—(1) An enforcement authority may require an owner who appears to it to be or to have been subject to the duty under regulation 5 in relation to a building to produce for inspection a copy of the energy performance certificate for that building.

(2) The power conferred by paragraph (1) includes power–

(a)to require the production in a legible documentary form of any energy performance certificate which is held in electronic form, and

(b)to take copies of any energy performance certificate produced for inspection.

(3) A requirement under this regulation may not be made more than 6 months after the last day on which the owner concerned appeared to the enforcement authority to be subject to the duty under regulation 5 in relation to the building.

(4) An owner subject to a requirement under this regulation must comply with it within the period of 7 days beginning with the day after that on which it is made.

(5) An owner is not required to comply with the requirement if the owner has a reasonable excuse for not complying.