
Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 4Food and drink requirements otherwise than as part of a school meal

1.  Fruit and vegetables must be made available in any place within the premises where food is provided.

2.—(1) No salt shall be available to add to food after the cooking process is complete.

(2) Other condiments may be available to pupils only in individual portions of no more than 10 millilitres.

3.—(1) With the exception of savoury snacks no food that has been fried in the cooking or manufacturing process shall be made available in any place within school premises where food is provided.

(2) Savoury snacks–

(a)may be made available only in individual portions which do not exceed 25 grams; and

(b)must contain–

(i)a total fat content which does not exceed 22 grams per 100 grams;

(ii)a total saturated fat content which does not exceed 2 grams per 100 grams;

(iii)a total sodium content which does not exceed 0.6 grams per 100 grams; and

(iv)a total sugars content which does not exceed 3 grams per 100 grams.

4.—(1) No confectionery shall be made available in any place within school premises where food is provided.

(2) Cakes, biscuits or puddings must not contain any confectionery.

5.  Subject to paragraphs 6 to 8, only the following drinks may be provided:–


(b)milk drinks;

(c)drinking yoghurts;

(d)soya, oat and rice based drinks enriched with calcium;

(e)fruit juice;

(f)vegetable juice;

(g)drinks comprising combinations of fruit juice or vegetable juice with water;

(h)drinks comprising blends of fruit, vegetables, fruit juice or vegetable juice in any combination;

(i)tea and coffee; and

(j)bottled water.

6.—(1) Milk must contain a total fat content which does not exceed 1.8 grams per 100 millilitres.

(2) Milk drinks and drinking yoghurts must contain–

(a)a total fat content which does not exceed 1.8 grams per 100 millilitres; and

(b)a total sugars content which does not exceed 10 grams per 100 millilitres provided that the total sugars content does not exceed 20 grams per portion.

7.  Soya, oat and rice based drinks enriched with calcium must contain–

(a)a total fat content which does not exceed 1.8 grams per 100 millilitres; and

(b)a total sugars content which does not exceed 5 grams per 100 millilitres provided that the total sugars content does not exceed 10 grams per portion.

8.—(1) Fruit juice and vegetable juice must–

(a)have no added salt;

(b)have no added sugars except sugar which has been added for the purpose of regulating acidic taste in an amount (expressed as dry matter) not exceeding 15 grams per litre; and

(c)be made available only in individual portions not exceeding 200 millilitres.

(2) Drinks comprising combinations of fruit juice or vegetable juice with water must–

(a)contain a minimum of 50% fruit juice or vegetable juice;

(b)be made available only in individual portions not exceeding 400 millilitres;

(c)have no added salt;

(d)have no added sugars except sugar which has been added for the purpose of regulating acidic taste in an amount (expressed as dry matter) not exceeding 15 grams per litre; and

(e)contain a total sugars content which does not exceed 20 grams per portion.

(3) Drinks comprising blends of fruit, vegetables, fruit juice or vegetable juice in any combination must–

(a)be made available only in individual portions not exceeding 200 millilitres;

(b)have no added salt; and

(c)have no added sugars except sugar which has been added for the purpose of regulating acidic taste in an amount (expressed as dry matter) not exceeding 15 grams per litre.