

Management measures at bathing waters in abnormal situations and exceptional circumstances

13.—(1) Where an interested party is of the opinion that an abnormal situation or an exceptional circumstance has occurred in relation to a bathing water, that party must notify the other interested parties and the relevant health board.

(2) Upon notification being given under paragraph (1), SEPA is to advise the following of the notification–

(a)the Scottish Ministers and the person with proprietorial interest in the bathing water;

(b)where the abnormal situation or exceptional circumstance is (in the opinion of SEPA) due to, or made worse by, discharge from the public sewerage system, Scottish Water, and

(c)where the abnormal situation or exceptional circumstance is likely to affect a bathing water situated in another local authority area, the local authority responsible for that area.

(3) SEPA and the relevant local authority must endeavour to determine jointly whether an abnormal situation or an exceptional circumstance has occurred and in doing so must consult with the relevant health board.

(4) Where SEPA and the local authority cannot agree for the purposes of paragraph (3) the determination of SEPA is final.

(5) Upon a determination that an abnormal situation or an exceptional circumstance has occurred, the relevant local authority–

(a)must promptly update any sign erected by it under regulation 8 and erect further signs (and thereafter maintain them) for the duration of the incident in such areas of the bathing water as are necessary to advise bathers of the incident and against bathing;

(b)must immediately consult with the other interested parties, the Scottish Ministers, the person with proprietorial interest in the bathing water and such other persons as it thinks fit as to whether to take action, and what action to take, to remove or reduce the risk to bathers' health, having regard to–

(i)the likely duration of the event or incident; and

(ii)the present and continuing efficacy of the signs erected under sub-paragraph (a) in deterring bathing; and

(c)may, after consultation under sub-paragraph (b), take such action as is reasonably necessary to reduce the risk to bathers' health, including entering onto land and removing materials as it thinks fit.