
Regulation 8(3)

SCHEDULE 1Conditions to be met by an animal moved from the restricted area

1.  The animal has been reared for at least 90 days, or since birth if less than 90 days of age, on a holding where there has been no outbreak of disease for at least that period.

2.  During the 21 days prior to transport from an area listed in Part 1 the animal remained on a single holding situated in the centre of a circle of at least 10 km radius in which there was no outbreak of disease during at least 30 days prior to the date of loading at that holding.

3.  No animal of a species susceptible to disease was introduced to the holding referred to in paragraph 2 during the 21 days prior to the date of loading at that holding, except in the case of a pig moving from a holding complying with that paragraph in which case the 21 day period is reduced to 7 days.