The Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2007

PART 1Requirements for spring water and drinking water

1.  Water satisfies the requirements of this Schedule if–

(a)the water does not contain–

(i)any micro-organism (other than a parameter) or parasite; or

(ii)any property, element or substance (other than a parameter),

at a concentration or value which would constitute a potential danger to human health;

(b)the water does not contain any substance (whether or not a parameter) at a concentration or value which, in conjunction with any other property, element, substance or organism it contains (whether or not a parameter), would constitute a potential danger to human health;

(c)the water does not contain concentrations or values of any of the parameters listed in Tables A to D in Part 2 of this Schedule in excess of the prescribed concentrations or values; and

(d)in the case of water prepared from water which has been softened or desalinated, its hardness is not below a minimum concentration of 60 mg Ca/l.

2.  The concentrations or values of the parameters listed in Tables A to D in Part 2 of this Schedule shall be read in conjunction with the notes thereto.