
SCHEDULE 5Duties of the centre veterinarian in domestic collection centres

PART 4Measures applicable to semen quarantine at a domestic collection centre

3.  With regard to a bovine animal that–

(a)did not belong to a herd officially free of enzootic bovine leukosis in accordance with Directive 64/432/EEC; or

(b)was produced by a dam which did not, after removal of the bovine animal from it, test negative to a test carried out in accordance with Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC,

the centre veterinarian must not allow its semen to leave the centre until the bovine animal has reached the age of two years and has tested negative for enzootic bovine leukosis, under a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex D (Chapter II) to Directive 64/432/EEC.