
SCHEDULE 2Duties of the centre veterinarian in EC quarantine centres

3.—(1) During quarantine, the centre veterinarian must ensure that the bovine animals are tested as follows–

(a)for bovine brucellosis, a serological test carried out in accordance with the procedure described in Annex C to Directive 64/432/EEC, at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(b)for IBR/IPV, a serological test (whole virus) on a blood sample, at least 21 days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(c)for Campylobacter fetus ssp. venerealis–

(i)in the case of bovine animals less than six months old or kept since that age in a single sex group prior to quarantine, a single test on a sample of artificial vagina washings or preputial specimen, at least seven days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(ii)in the case of male bovine animals aged six months or older that could have had contact with females prior to quarantine, a test three times at weekly intervals (which may start seven days after admission to the EC quarantine centre) on samples of artificial vagina washings or preputial specimen, with negative results;

(d)for Trichomonas foetus–

(i)in the case of bovine animals less than six months old or kept since that age in a single sex group prior to quarantine, a single test on a sample of preputial specimen, at least seven days after being admitted to quarantine, with negative results;

(ii)in the case of bovine animals aged six months or older that could have had contact with females prior to quarantine, a test three times at weekly intervals (which may start seven days after admission to the EC quarantine centre) on samples of preputial specimen, with negative results.

(2) If any bovine animal tests positive following a test under sub paragraph (1), the centre veterinarian must ensure that–

(a)it is removed immediately from the quarantine centre; and

(b)any other bovine animal of the same group is retested for the relevant disease in accordance with sub paragraph (1), with the period after which it can be retested starting on the date the positive bovine animal is removed.