The Bovine Semen (Scotland) Regulations 2007

Regulation 43

SCHEDULE 10Transitional Provisions

This schedule has no associated Executive Note
Licence and approvals under the Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (Scotland) Regulations 1985Equivalent approval under these Regulations
Approval for use of a bull (regulation 5)Approval of a bovine animal (regulation 7)
Processing licence (regulation 7(1)(a))

Processing of semen intended for intra Community trade: licence of an EC collection centre (regulation 4(b)(i)).

Processing of semen not intended for intra Community trade: licence of a domestic collection centre (regulation 4(b)(ii)).

Storage licence (regulation 7(1)(b))Licence of EC storage centre (regulation 4(c)(i)) or licence of domestic storage centre (regulation 4(c)(ii)).