The Business Improvement Districts (Scotland) Regulations 2007

Ballots – preliminary procedures

3.  The ballot holder shall, at least 42 days before the day of the ballot–

(a)publish notice of the ballot stating–

(i)the day of the ballot; and

(ii)that the ballot will be taken entirely by post, with votes to be returned by 5 p.m. on the day of the ballot;

(b)prepare a list of persons entitled to vote and proxies (if any);

(c)send to each person entitled to vote or, if applicable, that person’s proxy a statement which–

(i)explains the arrangements for the ballot;

(ii)explains that regulation 5(3) allows that person to request a copy of the BID proposals from the BID proposer; and

(iii)provides the name and address of the BID proposer; and

(d)send to the Scottish Ministers a copy of the notice referred to in sub paragraph (a).