
Instructions to hold a BID ballot, renewal ballot, alteration ballot or re-ballot

6.—(1) Where the local authority–

(a)subject to paragraph (2), receives a notice pursuant to regulation 5(2)(a)(ii); or

(b)receives a notification from the Scottish Ministers under regulation 11(10) requiring it to arrange a re ballot;

it shall–

(i)instruct the ballot holder to hold a BID ballot, a renewal ballot, an alteration ballot or re ballot, as the case may be; and

(ii)provide the ballot holder with the names and addresses of each eligible person entitled to vote and the description of each relevant property for which such persons have the interest as eligible person (if the BID proposals provide that eligible persons are entitled to vote on the proposals).

(2) Where the local authority receives a notice pursuant to regulation 5(2)(a)(ii), it shall not be required to instruct the ballot holder under paragraph (1) until such time as the BID proposer or BID body, as the case may be, complies with the requirements of regulation 5(1) and (2).