The Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007

Joint Boards

This section has no associated Executive Note

12.—(1) This regulation applies in relation to the payment of remuneration to those councillors who, after 2nd May 2007, hold the offices of–

(a)the convener; or

(b)a vice-convener,

of a joint board.

(2) Remuneration shall be paid by the local authority of which the convener or vice-convener (as the case may be) is a member to–

(a)one convener and not more than two vice-conveners (as the local authority determines), for each of Strathclyde Joint Police Board and Strathclyde Joint Fire and Rescue Board; and

(b)one convener and one vice-convener, for each other joint board.

(3) No remuneration shall be paid to any member of a local authority who is a convener or vice-convener of a joint board (as opposed to amounts for reimbursement of expenses, allowances, or by way of pension), except where that is required by this regulation, but a convener or vice-convener is entitled to receive (in addition) any remuneration otherwise payable to them as a Councillor or a Senior Councillor.

(4) Paragraphs (5) and (6) apply to the conveners or vice conveners of any joint board that is either–

(a)a joint fire and rescue board constituted by a scheme made under section 2(1) of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005(1); or

(b)a joint police board constituted by an amalgamation scheme made under the Police (Scotland) Act 1967(2).

(5) The convener of such a joint board shall be paid an amount which, when added to any amount payable to the convener as a Councillor or a Senior Councillor, shall equal the total yearly amount that is 75 per cent of the amount payable to the Leader of the Council of a local authority that is represented on the joint board and having the highest banding as provided in the Schedule, in terms of regulation 6.

(6) A vice convener of such a joint board shall be paid a total yearly amount that is 75 per cent of the amount payable to the convener (inclusive of any amount payable to the vice-convener as a Councillor or Senior Councillor), unless such amount equals less than the amount payable to the vice-convener as a Councillor or Senior Councillor, in which case the vice-convener shall be so paid as a Councillor or Senior Councillor only.

(7) Paragraphs (8) and (9) apply to the conveners or vice conveners of any other joint board.

(8) The convener of such a joint board shall be paid a total yearly amount of £19,316 (inclusive of any amount payable to the convener as a Councillor or Senior Councillor), or if greater, the amount payable to the convener as a Senior Councillor.

(9) A vice convener of such a joint board shall be paid a total yearly amount of £18,350 (inclusive of any amount payable to the vice-convener as a Councillor or Senior Councillor), or if greater, the amount payable to the vice-convener as a Senior Councillor.

(10) Where remuneration is payable to any conveners and vice-conveners of joint boards in terms of this regulation, they shall not be included in the maximum number of Senior Councillors to which remuneration may be paid in terms of regulation 8(2).

(11) The remuneration payable to any convener and vice-convener under this regulation, including any remuneration payable to that person as a Senior Councillor, is not included in the maximum amount payable by a local authority in terms of regulation 9(4).

(12) The local authority of which the convener or the vice-convener is a member (as the case may be) shall pay contributions or other payments as required of an employing authority under the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998(3) in respect of the convener or vice-convener if he or she elects to become a councillor member of the pension scheme established under those Regulations.

(13) In this regulation, references to “convener” include “chair” if that designation is used by a joint board in place of “convener”, and similarly, references to “vice-convener” include “vice-chair”.


S.I. 1998/366.