The Representation of the People (Absent Voting at Local Government Elections) (Scotland) Regulations 2007

Inquiries by registration officer

This section has no associated Executive Note

15.—(1) The registration officer may, at such times as the officer thinks fit, make inquiries of a person–

(a)who is shown as voting by proxy in the record kept under paragraph 3(4) of Schedule 4 in pursuance of an application granted on the grounds set out in paragraph 3(3)(b) and (c) (blindness or other disability, occupation, service or employment etc.) of that Schedule; or

(b)who immediately before the date of the commencement of Schedule 4 was entitled to vote by proxy for an indefinite period at local government elections in pursuance of an application granted on grounds corresponding to those set out in paragraph 3(3)(b) and (c) of Schedule 4.

for the purpose of determining whether there has been a material change of circumstances affecting the proxy applications.

(2) Where the grant of an application for a proxy vote for an indefinite or particular period was based on the grounds referred to in paragraph 3(3)(c) of Schedule 4 (or grounds corresponding to those grounds), the registration officer shall make the inquiries referred to not later than 3 years after the granting of the application or the last such inquiries, as the case may be.

(3) The registration officer may treat the failure by a person of whom inquiries have been made to respond to such inquiries within one month of the date on which they were made as sufficient evidence of a material change in circumstances.