
PART 5Markets


21.—(1) An operator of a market shall have in place a system to ensure that, at all times that an animal is at the market, the holding from which the animal was moved to the market can be ascertained.

(2) The system shall provide for the division of animals into batches, each of which shall have allocated to it a lot number which is unique to that batch.

(3) The operator of the market shall enter the lot number of the last batch to which the animal belonged before leaving the market–

(a)in the register; and

(b)on the movement document.

Replacement identification

22.—(1) Regulations 12(2) and 13 shall not apply to an operator of a market.

(2) Where the means of identification of an animal on its way to or at a market has been removed or lost or become illegible, the keeper at the holding of destination of that animal shall apply replacement identification to the animal in accordance with regulation 12 or 13 as soon as possible and, in any event, before the animal is moved from that holding.

Electronic movement documents

23.  A market operator may complete an electronically generated movement document in a form other than that set out in Schedule 2, provided that it–

(a)contains the information described in Section C of the Annex and the lot number allocated under regulation 21(2);

(b)contains the address of the holding of destination; and

(c)is printed and signed by the market operator.