
SCHEDULE 2TSE monitoring

PART 2Contents of an RMOP

Animal identification and separation

7.—(1) The RMOP shall describe the system that–

(a)enables bovine animals born or reared in the United Kingdom before 1st August 1996 to be identified and ensures that they are not slaughtered for human consumption;

(b)enables bovine animals over 30 months of age but born on or after 1st August 1996 to be identified and ensures that they are sampled in accordance with this Schedule; and

(c)enables bovine animals specified in point 2(1) of Part I of Chapter A of Annex III to the Community TSE Regulation to be identified and ensures that they are sampled in accordance with this Schedule.

(2) It shall also describe the system that ensures that bovine animals over 30 months of age are–

(a)batched together before slaughter separately from those aged 30 months or under; and

(b)slaughtered in batches separately from those aged 30 months or under.