The Northern Salmon Fishery District Designation Order 2006

Scottish Statutory Instruments

2006 No. 447



The Northern Salmon Fishery District Designation Order 2006


31st August 2006

Coming into force

1st September 2006

The Scottish Ministers, on application to them by the Naver and Borgie District Salmon Fishery Board, having consulted and notice having been given in accordance with Schedule 1 to the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003(1), and having considered all representations and objections duly made, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 34(2) and 35 of, and schedule 1 to, that Act and of all powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the following Order:

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Northern Salmon Fishery District Designation Order 2006 and shall come into force on 1st September 2006.

Designation of the Northern Salmon Fishery District

2.—(1) The area described in the Schedule to this Order is designated as a salmon fishery district to be known as the Northern Salmon Fishery District.

(2) The existing salmon fishery districts of Halladale; Kinloch (Kyle of Tongue); Naver and Borgie; and Strathy, being superseded by the district designated by this Order, are abolished.

Annual close time

3.—(1) The annual close time for the district designated by article 2 shall be the period from 27th August to 10th February, both dates inclusive, in each year.

(2) The period, within that annual close time, when it is permitted to fish for and take salmon by rod and line in the district designated by article 2 shall be–

(a)in that part of the district which was formerly Kinloch (Kyle of Tongue) Salmon Fishery District the period from 27th August to 31st October, both dates inclusive, in each year; and

(b)in any other part of the district, the periods from 27th August to 30th September and 12th January to 10th February, all dates inclusive, in each year.


A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers

Pentland House,


31st August 2006

Article 2(1)


The area of the Northern Salmon Fishery District shall be the areas of the following former salmon fishery districts:

1.  Halladale

The sea coast, estuary and river between, on the East, the boundary between the counties of Caithness and Sutherland and on the West, Rhu na Claich.

2.  Kinloch (Kyle of Tongue)

The sea coast, estuary and river between, on the East, Port Larmigoe, and on the West, Strone an dainf.

3.  Naver and Borgie

The sea coast, estuary and rivers between, on the East, Armadale Point and on the West, Port Larmigoe.

4.  Strathy

The sea coast, estuary and river between, on the East, Rhu na Claich and on the West, Armadale Point.

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order designates the area described in the Schedule to the Order as a Salmon Fishery District to be known as the Northern Salmon Fishery District (article 2(1)) and abolishes the existing Salmon Fishery Districts which are superseded by it (article 2(2)).

The Order makes provision for the annual close time and for the period within the annual close time during which fishing for and taking salmon by rod and line is permitted (article 3). The annual close time for the Northern Salmon Fishery District is from 27th August to 10th February. Within the annual close time it is permitted to fish for and take salmon by rod and line in the parts of the Northern Salmon Fishery District within the periods provided for in article 3(2)(a) and (b). All dates are inclusive and in each year.