The Anatomy (Scotland) Regulations 2006

Part A:Information in relation to a part of a body

1.  A description of the part of a body.

2.  Where a section 3(2) licence holder gives permission under section 3(4)(b) of the Act, or a section 5(5) licence holder gives permission under section 5(5)(b) of the Act, to a person to have possession of the part of a body–

(a)the date and time on which the part of a body became held in the possession of that person;

(b)the name of that person and address at which the part of a body is held in possession by that person; and

(c)the date and time on which the part of a body was returned to the possession of the section 3(2) or, as the case may be, section 5(5) licence holder.

3.  Particulars of any wishes expressed by the deceased person or the surviving spouse, civil partner or any surviving relative of the deceased person in relation to the disposal of the part of a body.

4.  The date and method and place of disposal of the part of the body.