

Service of notices, etc

14.—(1) Any notice or document which is required or authorised by these Regulations to be sent to or served on any person or body may be sent or served as follows:–

(a)in the case of the Scottish Ministers, by delivering it to them or sending it by special delivery or first class recorded delivery service addressed to them at St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh;

(b)in the case of a Health Board by delivering it to the Chief Executive or by sending it by special delivery or first class recorded delivery service addressed to the Chief Executive at the Health Board’s principal office;

(c)in the case of a practitioner by delivering it to the practitioner or by sending it by special delivery or first class recorded delivery service addressed to the practitioner at the practitioner’s usual or last known practice or private address;

(d)in the case of any other person, by delivering it to that person or by sending it by special delivery or first class recorded delivery service addressed to that person at that person’s usual or last known address.

(2) Where a party to any investigation, appeal or inquiry is represented by a solicitor this regulation is complied with if the notice or document is sent by special delivery or first class recorded delivery service addressed to the solicitor at the solicitor’s professional address.

(3) Unless the contrary is proved, any notice or document sent in accordance with this regulation shall be deemed to be received at the time at which a letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.