


Class 87—(1) Development by or on behalf of the Crown on operational Crown land, required in connection with the movement of traffic by rail.

(2) Development is not permitted by this class if it consists of or includes–

(a)the construction of a railway;

(b)the construction or erection of a hotel, railway station or bridge; or

(c)the construction or erection otherwise than wholly within a railway station of–

(i)an office, residential or educational building or a building used for an industrial process; or

(ii)a car park, shop, restaurant, garage or petrol filling station.

(3) For the purposes of this class–

(a)references to the construction or erection of any building or structure include references to the reconstruction or alteration of a building or structure where its design or external appearance would be materially affected; and

(b)the reference to an industrial process does not include the washing, maintenance and cleaning of rolling stock.

Class 88—(1) Development by or on behalf of the Crown or its lessees on operational Crown land where the development is required–

(a)for the purposes of shipping; or

(b)at a dock, pier, pontoon or harbour in connection with the embarking, disembarking, loading, discharging or transport of military or civilian personnel, military equipment, munitions or other items.

(2) Development is not permitted by this class if it consists of or includes the construction or erection of a bridge or other building not required in connection with the handling of traffic.

(3) For the purposes of this class, references to the construction or erection of any building or structure include references to the reconstruction or alteration of a building or structure where its design or external appearance would be materially affected.

Class 89  The use of any land by or on behalf of the Crown for the spreading of any dredged material resulting from a dock, pier, harbour, water transport, canal or inland navigation undertaking.

Class 90—(1) Development by or on behalf of the Crown on operational Crown land, or for operational purposes, consisting of–

(a)the use of the land as a lighthouse, with all requisite works, roads and appurtenances;

(b)the extension of, alteration, or removal of a lighthouse; or

(c)the erection, placing, alteration or removal of a buoy or beacon.

(2) Development is not permitted by this class if it consists of or includes the erection of offices, or the reconstruction or alteration of offices where their design or external appearance would be materially affected.

(3) For the purposes of this class–

“buoys and beacons” includes all other marks and signs of the sea; and

“lighthouse” includes any floating and other light exhibited for the guidance of ships, and also any sirens and any other description of fog signals.