

Power to carry out works

4.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Council may, in the situations and lines and within the limit of deviation and according to the levels shown on the deposited plans and sections, carry out and maintain the following work on the island of Raasay, Highland, and on the foreshore and bed of the sea adjacent thereto together with all necessary and proper works and conveniences connected therewith or incidental thereto–

Work No. 1:A breakwater of solid construction commencing at a point NG 154205,836263 extending initially in a south-westerly then southerly direction for a distance of 103 metres to a point NG 154162,836175 and there terminating.
Work No. 2:An alignment and berthing structure of solid construction commencing at a point NG 154552,836269 and extending in a south south-westerly direction for a distance of 225 metres to a point NG 154426,836083; thence in a westerly direction for a distance of 37 metres to terminate at a point NG 154390,836087.
Work No. 3:A slipway of solid construction 15.5 metres wide and associated access road and parking commencing at a point NG 154547,836273 and extending in a south south-westerly direction for a distance of 129 metres to a point at NG 154473,836168 and there terminating.
Work No. 4:Dredging of an area of seabed 50 metres wide commencing at a point NG 154407,836217 and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 130 metres to terminate at a point NG 154426,836087.

(2) The Council may, within the limits of deviation, maintain, renew, reconstruct and alter temporarily or permanently the works.