

Subsidised public works contracts and public services contracts

34.—(1) Where–

(a)a contracting authority undertakes to contribute more than half of the consideration to be or expected to be paid under a contract to which this paragraph applies by virtue of paragraph (2); and

(b)the contract has been or is to be entered into by a person other than another contracting authority (in this regulation referred to as “the subsidised body”), that contracting authority shall–

(i)make it a condition of the making of such a contribution that the subsidised body complies with the provisions of these Regulations in relation to that contract as if it were a contracting authority; and

(ii)ensure that the subsidised body does so comply or recover the contribution.

(2) Paragraph (1) applies to a contract which, if the subsidised body were a contracting authority, would be

(a)a public works contract to which these Regulations apply by virtue of regulation 8 and which is for the carrying out of–

(i)any of the civil engineering activities specified in Schedule 2; or

(ii)building work for hospitals, facilities intended for sports, recreation and leisure, school and university buildings or buildings for administrative purposes; or

(b)a public services contract to which these Regulations apply by virtue of regulation 8 for providing services in connection with a contract referred to in sub paragraph (a) of this paragraph.