
SCHEDULE 17Ralstonia solanacearum

PART ASpecial measures for the control of Ralstonia solanacearum

11.  The measures referred to in paragraph 9 are–

(a)from the date of receipt of the notice and for five growing years from the start of the next growing year–

(i)such measures as may be required to eliminate volunteer potato and tomato plants as well as other host plants of R. solanacearum including solanaceous weeds as appropriate; and

(ii)that the field or unit of production shall be maintained during the first three growing years–

(aa)in bare fallow;

(bb)in cereals if the inspector is satisfied that there is no identifiable risk of R solanacearum spreading;

(cc)in permanent pasture with frequent close cutting or intensive grazing; or

(dd)as grass for seed production;

followed by planting in the succeeding two growing years with non host plants of R. solanacearum for which there is no identified risk of that organism surviving or spreading; and

(b)in the first potato or tomato cropping season which follows the period referred to in paragraph (a), if potatoes are to be planted, that only basic seed potatoes and pre basic seed potatotes may be planted, and only for seed or ware production.