
Obligations of supply successor companies

3.—(1) Each supply successor company shall ensure that before 11th March 2006 he has produced evidence to the Authority that he has made arrangements jointly with the other supply successor company to secure that the nominated person has made arrangements to secure the Requirements are complied with.

(2) Each supply successor company shall be under a duty at all times during the order period to secure that the Requirements are complied with and shall not by any act or omission of himself prevent any new arrangements from securing the result mentioned in article 4(l)(b).

(3) Each supply successor company shall supply the Authority with such information, or with information of a particular kind, requested by the Authority and which in his opinion is relevant to the question whether the supply successor company (either acting individually or jointly with the other supply successor company) is discharging, or has discharged, his obligations in this Order.

(4) Information requested by the Authority under paragraph (3) above must be given to the Authority in whatever form he requires.

(5) No person shall be required by virtue of this article to provide any information which he could not be compelled to give in evidence in civil proceedings in the Court of Session.