The Mental Health (Safety and Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2005

Authority for measures

This section has no associated Executive Note

4.  Subject to the general conditions in regulation 5 and the particular conditions in regulations 6 to 11, the following measures are authorised–

(a)the search of specified persons and of anything they have with them in the hospital in which they are detained;

(b)the taking, from external parts of the body of those persons and, by means of swabbing, from the mouth of those persons, of samples of body tissue, blood or other body fluid or other material, the taking hypodermically from those persons of samples of blood and the examination of those samples;

(c)the placing of restrictions on the kinds of things which those persons may have with them in the hospitals in which they are detained and the removal from them of articles kept in breach of such restrictions;

(d)the placing of prohibitions and restrictions on the entry into and the conduct while in those hospitals of persons (“visitors”) visiting those persons or otherwise entering or seeking to enter those hospitals and on the kinds of things which visitors may bring with them into those hospitals;

(e)the surveillance, whether directly or otherwise, of those persons and visitors;

(f)the search of visitors and of anything they bring with them into those hospitals.