
Article 3


Area 1

The area of sea below mean high water springs enclosed by a line starting at a point on the east coast of North Harris at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.75275°) 6°45'10" West longitude; then east to a point on the west coast of Seaforth Island at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.74034°) 6°44'25" West longitude; then south, east and north along the shoreline to a point at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.71702°) 6°43'01" West longitude; then east to a point on the Isle of Lewis at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.70787°) 6°42'28" West longitude; then south, east, and north along the shoreline including Loch Seaforth, Loch Claidh and Loch Bhrollum to a point at (57.94°) 57°56'24" North latitude (−6.5°) 6°30' West longitude; then south to (57.75°) 57°45' North latitude (−6.5°) 6°30' West longitude; then west to a point on the east coast of South Harris at (57.75°) 57°45' North latitude (−6.93852°) 6°56'19" West longitude; then east and north along the shoreline including South Harris, North Harris and Loch Seaforth to the point of the beginning.

Area 2

The area of sea below mean high water springs enclosed by a line starting at a point on the east coast of Lewis at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.52523°) 6°31'31" West longitude; then east to a point on the east coast of Lewis at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.51331°) 6°30'48" West longitude; then south, west and north along the shoreline to the point of the beginning.

Area 3

The area of sea below mean high water springs enclosed by a line starting at a point on the east coast of Lewis at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.51132°) 6°30'41" West longitude; then east to a point on the east coast of Lewis at (58°) 58° North latitude (−6.50402°) 6°30'14" West longitude; then south, west and north along the shoreline to the point of the beginning.

Area 4

The area of sea below mean high water springs enclosed by a line starting at the point on the west coast of North Harris at (57.9656°) 57°57'56" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then east, south, and west along the shoreline to a point on the west coast of South Harris at (57.85857°) 57°51'31" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then north to a point on the south coast of Taransay at (57.88827°) 57°53'18" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then east, north and west along the shoreline to a point on the north coast of Taransay at (57.92117°) 57°55'16" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then north to a point on the west coast of North Harris at (57.95392°) 57°57'14" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then east, north and west along the shoreline to a point at (57.95430°) 57°57'15" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then north to a point on the west coast of North Harris at (57.95561°) 57°57'20" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then east, north and west along the shoreline to a point at (57.96126°) 57°57'41" North latitude (−7°) 7° West longitude; then north to the point of the beginning.