The Mental Health (Social Circumstances Reports) (Scotland) Regulations 2005

Social circumstances report

2.  A social circumstances report shall set out the following information, where it is relevant to the care of the patient–

(a)the reasons for the use of compulsory powers;

(b)the views of the patient with respect to the use of compulsory powers;

(c)if the patient is unable to give a view, and only if available to the mental health officer, the views of the patient’s named person, carer, guardian and welfare attorney with respect to the use of compulsory powers;

(d)the patient’s state of mental health;

(e)the patient’s state of physical health;

(f)the patient’s mental health history;

(g)an assessment of the risk of harm to the patient and to others;

(h)the patient’s personal history including details of employment, finances and accommodation prior to the use of compulsory powers;

(i)details of the patient’s family situation including whether the patient has children, dependents and caring responsibilities;

(j)details of the patient’s regular social contacts;

(k)the patient’s ability to care for himself or herself;

(l)the care being provided to the patient prior to the use of compulsory powers;

(m)any matters which would require the local authority to make inquiries into the patient’s case under section 33 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003;

(n)any alternatives to the use of compulsory powers which were considered and ruled out;

(o)any history of offending, including consideration of victims and those affected;

(p)any history of substance misuse;

(q)ethnic, cultural and religious factors;

(r)whether the patient has difficulty in communicating; and

(s)any plan which has been put in place to deal with any of the above.