The Loch Crinan Scallops Several Fishery Order 2005

Article 2


That part of the shore and bed of the sea at Loch Crinan, lying to the north of Crinan and extending to 97.420 hectares or thereby and bounded as follows–

  • on or towards the north by a straight line one thousand and thirty six metres or thereby in length extending in an east south easterly direction from a point in Loch Crinan at 56°06'16"North latitude and 05°34'21"West longitude to a point 56°06'12"North latitude and 05°33'22"West longitude;

  • then on or towards the east by a straight line eight hundred and sixty metres or thereby in length extending in a southerly direction to a point in Loch Crinan 56°05'44"North latitude and 05°33'22"West longitude;

  • then on or towards the south by a straight line one thousand and fifty eight metres or thereby in length extending in a south westerly direction to a point in Loch Crinan at 56°05'33"North latitude and 05°34'21"West longitude;

  • and then on or towards the west by a straight line one thousand three hundred and twenty metres or thereby in length extending in a northerly direction to the point of beginning at 56°06'16"North latitude and 05°34'21"West longitude.