The Police (Scotland) Regulations 2004

Appointment of senior officers

11.—(1) Subject to section 4(1) of the 1967 Act and regulation 9, no person shall be appointed as chief constable or qualified as appointment as a deputy chief constable or assistant chief constable of a police force unless that person holds or has held such rank and for such period as the Scottish Ministers shall determine in respect of such appointments.

(2) The Scottish Ministers may determine any other requirements that must be satisfied in respect of such appointments. The police authority may determine any additional requirements that must be satisfied in respect of any particular appointment.

(3) An appointment to a senior officer rank in a police force maintained under section 2 of the 1967 Act shall be for a fixed term. The Scottish Ministers shall determine the range within which a fixed term must fall and the circumstances in which a fixed term appointment may be extended.

(4) Paragraph (3) is without prejudice to any provision whereby a term of appointment comes to an end on promotion, dismissal, the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings or transfer to another police force and regulation 14.

(5) The Scottish Ministers shall determine the circumstances in which a vacancy in a senior officer rank shall be advertised; if a vacancy is to be advertised, the advertisement shall contain such detail and be published in such manner as the Scottish Ministers may determine. The Scottish Ministers may determine that no appointment shall be made until after a date to be specified in the advertisement.