The Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Order 2004

Functions of the Authority

13.  The Authority shall have the functions assigned to it elsewhere in this Order, including any general or specific role, duty or decision making function in addition to the following specific functions–

(a)the accreditation of generating stations (to be notified to the operator of a generating station which is being accredited in writing from such date and subject to such conditions as the Authority considers appropriate) and the withdrawal of such accreditation or the alteration of any conditions attached to it (such withdrawal or alteration to be notified to the operator of the affected generating station in writing);

(b)keeping and maintaining a list of accredited generating stations and the conditions for their accreditation and making such list available to the public;

(c)issuing and revoking SROCs in accordance with articles 4 and 5;

(d)keeping and maintaining a list of SROCs which have been revoked and making such list available to the public;

(e)calculating and publishing before the start of each obligation period (with the exception of the first obligation period) the amount of the payment per megawatt hour of electricity referred to in article 7 resulting from the adjustments made to reflect changes in the retail prices index;

(f)by 1st March each year publishing an annual report in relation to the obligation period ending on the previous 31st March, such report to include details (or, in the case of sub-paragraph (v), a summary) of–

(i)the compliance of each designated electricity supplier with its renewables obligation, including the extent to which that obligation has been met by the production of certificates pursuant to article 3 or payments made under article 7;

(ii)the sums received by each designated electricity supplier under article 12;

(iii)the number of SROCs issued by the Authority in accordance with articles 4 and 5, the number of SROCs and other certificates accepted by it as evidence under article 3(1) and the number of SROCs issued but not yet deleted in respect of the obligation period;

(iv)the number of SROCs issued by the Authority in accordance with articles 4 and 5 broken down into different descriptions of generating stations (as referred to in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2);

(v)the outcome of any enquiries or investigations conducted by the Authority pursuant to paragraph (g); and

(vi)any other matters which the Authority considers relevant to the implementation of this Order;

(g)monitoring implementation of the renewables obligation and compliance by designated electricity suppliers and operators of generating stations with this Order (including compliance by operators of generating stations with any conditions attached to their accreditation) and such monitoring may include conducting enquiries or investigations into the quantities of electricity generated from eligible renewable sources by accredited generating stations, the quantities of such electricity supplied to customers in Great Britain, the transfer and holding of SROCs, the effect of such matters on the making and allocation of payments under articles 7 and 12 and the effect of the renewables obligation on designated electricity suppliers and the operators of generating stations; and

(h)publishing at its discretion reports of enquiries or investigations conducted by the Authority pursuant to paragraph (g).