

Lists of patients for GMS contracts entered into following a default contract

29.  Where, after 1st April 2004, a Health Board enters into a GMS contract pursuant to article 3 or 4 with a person who, immediately before the coming into force of that GMS contract, is a party to a default contract, it must include on the contractor’s list of patients, for the purposes of that GMS contract–

(a)all the patients who, on the date immediately before the coming into force of the GMS contract, were on the contractor’s list of patients for the purposes of the default contract, unless they live outside the practice area as specified in the GMS contract and were not included on the list of patients by virtue of an assignment under regulation 4 of the Choice Regulations or under the default contract; and

(b)any patient who had been assigned to the default contractor in accordance with the terms of the default contract but not yet included in the list referred to in sub paragraph (a).