

Duration of a default contract

14.—(1) A default contract entered into pursuant to article 13 shall not subsist beyond 30th September 2004, except in the circumstances specified in paragraphs (2) to (5).

(2) Where, on 30th September 2004–

(a)any dispute arising out of or in connection with the default contract has been referred to the Scottish Ministers in accordance with the NHS dispute resolution procedure contained in the contract but that dispute has not been determined or withdrawn; or

(b)either party to the default contract has referred the terms of their proposed GMS contract to the Scottish Ministers to consider and determine under regulation 9 of the 2004 Regulations but that dispute has not been determined or withdrawn,

the default contract shall, unless it is terminated before that date in accordance with the terms of the default contract, continue until whichever is the later of the dates specified in paragraph (3).

(3) The dates referred to in paragraph (2) are–

(a)the end of the period of 28 days from the date on which the parties were notified of the determination of the dispute relating to the default contract or that dispute was withdrawn; or

(b)the end of the period of 28 days from the date on which the parties were notified of the determination of the dispute relating to the terms of the GMS contract or that dispute was withdrawn.

(4) Where the default contract is with an individual medical practitioner or partnership–

(a)with whom the Health Board has refused to enter into a GMS contract because it is not satisfied as to the matters specified in article 3(4) or (7), or article 4(4) or (7); or

(b)who has been unable to enter into a GMS contract on or before 30th September 2004 because the practitioner (or, in the case of a partnership, a partner) was performing relevant service in the armed forces,

the default contract shall, unless it is terminated before that date in accordance with the terms of the contract, continue for as long as the practitioner or partnership remains entitled to enter into a GMS contract under article 6.

(5) Where the default contract is with a medical practitioner or partnership who has made an application under article 11, the default contract shall, unless it is terminated before that date in accordance with the terms of the contract, continue until–

(a)the end of the period of 14 days after that application has been determined; or

(b)if the application was successful and it intends to enter into a GMS contract, the end of the day immediately before the day on which it is required to start providing services under the GMS contract which it has entered into with the Health Board.