
Articles 2(1) and (4) and 5(1)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Provision of the Council RegulationSubject matterMaximum fine on summary conviction

1.  Article 6.1, in so far as that paragraph relates to retaining on board or landing

Prohibitions on retaining on board or landing catches from stocks for which total allowable catches or quotas are fixed and have been exhausted.£50,000

2.  Article 6.1, in so far as that paragraph relates to catch composition or sorting

Prohibitions in certain circumstances on retaining on board or landing catches having a certain composition or which have not been sorted.The statutory maximum

3.  Article 6.2

Prohibition on landing catches which are unsorted and contain herring when the catch limitations set out in Annex II have been exhausted.£50,000

4.  Article 7

Prohibition of fishing by Community vessels in certain Norwegian and Icelandic waters.£50,000

5.  Article 8 and Annex IV, paragraphs 1 and 5

Prohibition on landing catches containing unsorted herring in harbours where adequate sampling systems are not in place; prohibition on offering for sale for human consumption landed herring caught in the areas specified in Annex IV, paragraph 5, by vessels carrying towed nets of a minimum mesh size less than 32mm.The statutory maximum

6.  Article 9 as read with–

(a)paragraph 5 of Annex V

Prohibition on fishing in the Bornholm Deep from 15th May to 31st August 2003;£50,000

(b)paragraph 6 of Annex V

Requirements as to mesh sizes and by catches in the Skagerrak and Kattegat;The statutory maximum

(c)paragraph 7 of Annex V

Prohibition on fishing (except with longlines) in the Haddock Box;£50,000

(d)paragraph 8 of Annex V

Permitted period of fishing for herring in Area 11a (EC Waters) with towed gear of a mesh size less than 54mm or with purse seines;The statutory maximum

(e)paragraph 10 of Annex V

Prohibition on landing or retaining on board sandeels caught in certain waters.£50,000

Articles 2(1) and (5) and 5(2)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Provision of the Council RegulationSubject matterMaximum fine on summary conviction

1.  Article 12

Requirement in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway or the Faroe Islands to fish within the quota limits contained in Annex I and within the geographical zone set out in Article 12(i).£50,000

2.  Article 13.1

Requirement in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway (other than those of less than 200 GT) or the Faroe Islands to hold licence and special fishing permit and observance of conditions thereof.£50,000

3.  Article 15.1

Requirement in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway or the Faroe Islands to comply with the conservation and control measures and all other provisions governing fishing by Community vessels in the zones concerned, including those measures and provisions referred to in Article 15.£50,000

4.  Article 15.3

Requirement in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway or the Faroe Islands to keep a logbook in compliance with Annex VII.£50,000

5.  Article 15.4

Requirement in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway (other than those fishing in ICES division IIIa) or the Faroe Islands to transmit information in compliance with Annex VIII.The statutory maximum