The African Swine Fever (Scotland) Order 2003

Protection and surveillance zones

11.—(1) Upon confirmation of the disease by the Chief Veterinary Officer, the Scottish Ministers shall, by declaratory order, establish an infected area comprising a zone to be known as a “protection zone” and a zone to be known as a “surveillance zone”.

(2) A protection zone shall consist of an area having a radius of at least three kilometres itself contained within a surveillance zone consisting of an area having a radius of at least ten kilometres, the centre point of each area being the centre of the holding, slaughterhouse knacker’s yard or other place where the disease has been confirmed.

(3) Part I of Schedule 1 shall apply in a protection zone and Part II of Schedule 1 shall apply in a surveillance zone.

(4) Upon confirmation of the disease on a holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place in England, which is within ten kilometres of the border with Scotland, the Scottish Ministers shall, by declaratory order, establish an infected area in terms of this article and consisting where appropriate of a protection zone with a radius of at least three kilometres itself contained within a surveillance zone of at least ten kilometres, the centre point of each being the centre of the holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place in England where the disease was confirmed, which infected area shall be established only in so far as it lies within Scotland.

(5) The Scottish Ministers may take such steps as they consider necessary to ensure that all persons in an infected area are made fully aware of the restrictions in force, including exhibiting notices or signs on property situated within the infected area.

(6) That part of any holding, slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or other place which is within Scotland and which is partly inside and partly outside a surveillance or protection zone shall be deemed to be wholly inside that zone.