The Cromarty Firth Port Authority (Constitution) Revision Order 2003

Appointment of chair and vice-chair of Authority

1.  There shall be a chair of the Authority who shall be appointed by the Authority from among their number.

2.  The first chair holding office after the new constitution date shall be appointed at the first meeting of the Authority referred to in paragraph 9 below and, subject to paragraph 7 below, shall, unless he resigns his office as chair or ceases to be a member, hold that office for a period of one year.

3.  Subject to paragraph 7 below, every chair subsequently appointed under paragraph 1 above shall, unless he resigns his office as chair or ceases to be a member, hold that office for a period of one year.

4.  There shall be a vice-chair of the Authority who shall be appointed by the Authority from among their number.

5.  The first vice-chair holding office after the new constitution date shall be appointed as soon as practicable after that date and, subject to paragraph 7 below, shall, unless he resigns his office as vice-chair or ceases to be a member, hold that office for a period of one year.

6.  Subject to paragraph 7 below, every vice-chair subsequently appointed under paragraph 4 above shall, unless he resigns his office as vice-chair or ceases to be a member, hold that office for a period of one year.

7.  If the Authority are satisfied that the chair or vice-chair should cease to hold his office as such, they may terminate his office as such and appoint another member to be the chair or vice-chair during the remainder of the term for which the former chair or vice-chair was appointed.

8.—(1) On a casual vacancy occurring in the office of chair or vice-chair of the Authority, the vacancy shall be filled by the Authority at a meeting held as soon as practicable after the vacancy occurs.

(2) A member appointed under this paragraph to fill a casual vacancy in the office of chair or vice-chair shall, unless he resigns that office or ceases to be a member, hold that office during the remainder of the term for which the chair or vice-chair whom he replaces was appointed.