The Animal By-Products (Scotland) Regulations 2003

Burning or burial in the event of a disease outbreak

30.—(1) For the purposes of Article 24(1)(c) of the Community Regulation, if there is an outbreak of a disease mentioned in List A of the International Office of Epizootic Diseases, it shall not be an offence under these Regulations for animal by-products to be disposed of as waste by burning or burial on site (as defined in Part A of Annex II to Regulation (EC) 811/2003) if the animal by-product is transported, and buried or burnt, in accordance with–

(a)a notice given by the Scottish Ministers under Article 24(1)(c) authorising disposal in accordance with that provision; and

(b)the provisions of Article 6 of, and Part B of Annex II to, Regulation (EC) 811/2003.

(2) The Scottish Ministers shall be the competent authority for the purposes of Article 6 of, and Part B of Annex II to, Regulation (EC) 811/2003.