
Article 2



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For the inspection of each volume, document or process, and the production of associated copies for each document or process therein

Note: Fees are remitted for the inspection of records for historical or literary purposes in terms of section 10 of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937.



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For personal searches in the records, for each search



The Keeper of the Records of Scotland may carry out a search in the records of the National Archives of Scotland for any person, and for any such search the Keeper shall–


impose an additional charge based on the cost of carrying out that search, which cost shall include the cost of any copying requested or required as part of that search;


provide an estimate to that person of the amount of that additional charge; and


require that person to pay a deposit of a sum not exceeding £40 before carrying out that search.


The Keeper of the Records of Scotland may reduce or waive the charge or deposit payable for any search.



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1.  Reprographic services, including digital images and output to microfilm and microfiche, are provided on a cost recovery basis, and National Archives of Scotland will provide an estimate of the cost on request


(1) A minimum charge of £5.00 will be payable for any of the above services.

(2) An additional charge may be payable for work of unusual difficulty, or requiring special attention.

(3) National Archives of Scotland reserve the right to decline microfilm orders, and to retain the master negative of any microfilm.

As estimated

2.  Authentication:

For each extract or certified copy, in addition to the reprographic charge and handling charge.


(1) Copying is undertaken solely at the discretion of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland. It will not be undertaken where there is a risk of damage to documents or to bindings of volumes.

(2) The Keeper of the Records of Scotland will determine the format of any copy.

(3) No authentication will be given for microfilm or for Search Room copies.
